
We take the view that if someone does not understand how to use the system, then the system should be more intuitive.

The typical approach we take is to setup a demo version of your website, which can be used to try out new features, and also be used as an experimentation area for members of staff.

Because of the customisation allowed, we usually find that most members of staff do not really need any training, and that the main feedback we receive is that it's obvious in how it works. This is often due to keeping things as simple as possible, and creating processes that guide users in their daily tasks.

And while you hopefully won't need it, we use industry best practices such as "progressive enhancement" so that older browsers are able to use the system (this includes the ability for JavaScript to be disabled, and the system still be operational).

Accessibility also needs to be ingrained in the code that is created. In all cases we use the latest and strictest specifications (e.g. using semantic HTML5, which is tested in XML mode), applying styles with CSS, and verifying our work against the AIRA/WAI recommendations for accessibility purposes.

Another aspect that shouldn't be taken for granted is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), assuming you want a public facing aspect to your business. From a code point of view everything will already be done for you, the main difficulty is the content, of which we can help.